Spot on Anne, the fact that so many Americans today, but also historically, have been wedded to authoritarians who have anything but their interests at heart, is deeply demoralizing, but also an impetus for action. Some of my family and friends might wish I would get off my soap box, but I see things much like you do, we have to speak up for our democracy if we want to keep it, and if we want those who follow us to be able to inherit it. As long as I have breath in my body I'm going to be speaking to those willing to listen. I'm well educated, but at 77 I'm amazed at how much I don't know, so I feel like a sponge sometimes. I'm thrilled to be learning more today than at any time in my past. We can defeat this danger if we stay united and on message, when I look around me I don't see anyone that really wants to live in an authoritarian country, similar to Russia or North Korea, you would have to be insane to wish for that. Thank you for the encouragement you provide.

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thanks. yes, I am working on a project now that looks at the ways in which Americans have in the past (and are now) attracted to authoritarian ideas. I will write about that when it gets closer to being finished...

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The Atlantic article's great, Anne.

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thank you! Glad you enjoyed it and hope it was useful

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Wow! Thorough, concrete and troubling examples of the depth of the networking of autocrats, autocracy & information-laundering on our planet. AI will make it increasingly easy to prpogandize. Thank you for pulling it all together in one place!

Have pre-ordered the book. Please keep thinking and writing.

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